Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Water Islands (Pulau Besar)

Another day hop along the Malaka straight, though a long one today; 67 miles between anchorages. Again little wind and because of the distance I needed to keep the speed up - at least the batteries are well charged.

Apart from the lack of wind, it was a straightforward trip. There's plenty of room between between the fishing stakes along the shore and the procession of ships in the shipping lanes, the only obstacles are the frequent fishing buoys and large drifting logs.

Can't work out if the skimming fish that jump out of the water just ahead of the boat then skim along the surface using their tails to keep them airborne, would be edible. But decided I'd attempt to find out. However after an hour, I bought the line in just after I'd negotiated my way around a line of fishing buoys. I was far more likely to hook someone else's fishing tackle than an acrobatic fish.

Just as I arrived, the Melakans treated me to a spectacular lightning show over the land. Sheet and horizontal fork lightning momentarily illuminated the town of Melaka ashore and for once the accompanying rain stayed ashore.

Water Islands anchorage: N02deg 06.56' E102deg 20.35'

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