Well, I can see I need to get better at this blogging lark. Been a bit busy though. Am currently sitting in Nick's flat with very little furniture. We had a massive sale on ebay and people keep arriving to collect a chair or a table, or even the odd scooter! It's very strange and very final.
Well, we finally got our hands on the wind-vane (it was a long and funny story as we knew it would be involving lots of beaurocracy, some lovely men and half a dozen screwdrivers at midnight at Stansted airport ) and the generator, and though neither are actually working yet, they will be soon. The wind-vane has seen better days and needs some work though dad and Nick managed to take it apart and repairs are underway. Mum and I spent some time working on the charts puzzling over places we'd never heard of and coastlines we didn't recognise. Last count was 175 and we need quite a few more for the Pacific. If nothing else, my geography has improved since we began this escapede! Nick spent last week (and quite alot of money I understand) working on the power side of things and has wired up most of the systems with some help from Brian (his dad). For many days all Kika's surfaces were littered with wires and tools and living aboard peacefully was quite a challenge. Her comfort was tested last week when my sister and family came down to visit and we had 7 sleeping aboard. She passed (I think!) So we know it can be done just incase we have a plethora of visitors at any time! We even have 2 heads (loos) - a Ladies and a Gents! She's more luxurious than the flat!
So, I am going down to the boat on Friday to move stuff aboard, we move out of the flat on Sunday and our home is then Kika.